ice sheets

美 [aɪs ʃits]英 [aɪs ʃiːts]
  • n.冰盖;冰原
  • ice sheet的复数
ice sheetsice sheets

ice sheets


  • 1
    N-COUNT (尤指长期存在的)冰盖,冰冠,冰原
    An ice sheet is a large thick area of ice, especially one that exists for a long time.

  1. Greenland and Antarctica hold the Earth 's last remaining ice sheets .


  2. This includes mountain glaciers , ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland , and Arctic sea ice .


  3. Huge ice sheets were formed .


  4. The great ice sheets that covered New England had departed .


  5. Displacement response analysis of Songhua River highway bridge under action of moving ice sheets


  6. Ice sheets are heavy , and when not supported , they crack off .


  7. Ice sheets are broad glaciers that blanket whole regions .


  8. Ice sheets the world over are melting back and that 's particularly true in the Arctic .


  9. These are similar in size to the ice sheets that covered much of North America during the Ice Age .


  10. The ice sheets scoured the landscape down to bedrock .


  11. As the ice sheets withdrew , large chunks of ice broke off and were left behind .


  12. Why are the ice sheets descending into the oceans on Antarctica melting ?


  13. Impacts of the formation and ablation of Antarctic ice sheets on the global geoid and sea-level changes


  14. Polar bears roam the Arctic ice sheets and swim in that region 's coastal waters .


  15. This would start the formation of ice sheets such as those that several times have flowed south across North America and Eurasia .


  16. Although major melting is not imminent , the continuous changes of ice sheets impact on the processes of global climate change and greenhouse effect .


  17. That 's a problem : It couldn 't have warmed Earth enough to keep the seas from becoming permanent ice sheets .


  18. For years , scientists have studied the impact of the planet 's warming on the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets .


  19. Much of the northern lands were covered by vast ice sheets that reached a thickness of as much as 3 kilometers .


  20. Still undetermined , Hu says , is exactly where and how the warming waters interact with the ice sheets .


  21. The ice sheets that cover Greenland and Antarctica now are remnants of this and previous ice ages .


  22. But the big worry is that their loss will allow ice sheets on land to move faster , adding extra water to the seas .


  23. Fewer than 460000 years ago , meltwater from retreating ice sheets topped the land bridge and carved out the channel .


  24. The authors warn that this rise in sea levels does not take into account melting ice sheets and glaciers & factors that could double the increase .


  25. A second paper in Nature Geoscience looks back 12000 to 7000 years to when massive ice sheets still covered the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere .


  26. At present , it becomes a research hotspot in the world to study the changes of elevation and mass balance of polar ice sheets by satellite altimetry .


  27. The dominant issue in global warming , in my opinion , is sea-level change and the question of how fast ice sheets can disintegrate .


  28. The results indicate that as the water level lower than the top of the ice-breaking structure , five different thickness of ice sheets were broken in flexural failure mode .


  29. The reason is because estimates of the impact of global warming caused by melting ice sheets , leading to weight reduction for the sake of the surface pressure .


  30. Furthermore , the geographical distributions of the ice sheets , vegetation cover and coastlines during the ice age are well mapped . amortization schedule
